july 28, 2017

posted in: photography | 1

“If I’m being rejected from one thing,
it’s really just the path redirecting me elsewhere to where I’m supposed to be.”
~ Amani Al-Khatahtbeh


Macca Maidens (snapseed)


You’ve heard me say “we” in my Sir Paul posts. Pam Thurman and Barb Plested are the “we.” Like me, they had not seen Sir Paul perform, so they did not hesitate to meet me in Chicago for the show (Pam’s husband, Gary, believes Paul’s dead, so he stayed home). I’d been contemplating the concert for a few weeks when I ran into Tony Adams who encouraged me to go despite all the reasons not to. Marie Dale and Crystal Heis had been telling me the same thing. Two days after seeing Tony, Pam posted a photo of Paul McCartney on facebook. I said I was thinking about going to Chicago to see him. One thing led to another, and et voila! plans were made. Our entire trip was a similar series of perfect events. This was the only picture I snapped of us, taken just after we’d bought t-shirts, something none of us had done at a concert for decades. We were in the car waiting to enter the parking lot and talking about Sir Paul when he flew overhead in a chopper, landing not far from us. Pam and Barb also noticed Sir Paul’s hands looking like a 30-year old. I could go on and on with endless details like this; the kind of memories you make with friends that last a lifetime. I was so honored that they’d want to go with me. My Carpe Diem sisters; I love them from the bottom of my heart.


Hard Day’s Night (snapseed)

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