march 24, 2016

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“My goal is not to be better than anyone else, but to be better than I used to be.” ~ Wayne Dyer


one faith
one faith


It’s Maundy Thursday, also known as Holy Thursday in Scotland as I came to learn this evening. I didn’t know what Maundy Thursday meant until I went to First Presbyterian Church. Maundy is Latin for ‘commandment’. During the Last Supper (Maundy Thursday) with his disciples, Jesus said, “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another.” (John 13:34) He also instituted the Eucharist (communion) and foot washing during the Last Supper. I vaguely remember Mamaw going to a foot washing service, but it seems like it was part of a New Years Eve service (I could be mistaken). I don’t ever remember communion being served. The church had an “In Remembrance of Me” communion table, so it must have been observed at some point, but certainly not with any regularity. In any case, I mention it because this evening I attended the Maundy Service at First Church wherein Rev. Mark Davis talked about Jesus washing the feet of the disciples. He also talked at length about what we do with our hands in the service of Christ. For instance, it was Jesus’ hands that broke the bread and poured the wine that have come to symbolize the body and blood of Christ during communion. I’ve come to appreciate and look forward to both Maundy Thursday and communion (even when it’s not Maundy Thursday). These rituals soothe me, and remind me of what is at the heart of the Christian faith: love. A commandment that seems to get lost in so many ways these days. I had the chance to hug a good number of people I love after tonight’s service, so that’s a bonus for me. I chalk this up to a grand day indeed.

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