november 14, 2014

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“I think of life itself now as a wonderful play that I’ve written for myself, and so my purpose is to have the utmost fun playing my part.” ~ Shirley MacLaine




I’ve been lonesome for my dog Sadie. I take advantage of all the dog love I can find whenever I find it, and last Saturday I got some Harvey love. His story is a good one. He came to Maggie Jacobs as a rescue. He’d been kept in a crate so long that atrophy crippled his back legs. He was young, full of life, but unable to jump even into a low car. Becky and Gordon visited Maggie’s farm one lucky afternoon. It was love at first sight. Well, at least it was for Harvey. It might have taken Gordon a little longer, but only because he’d had a soul dog named Bennie. (Once you’ve had a soul dog, it’s hard to find another.) Nevertheless, Harvey won Gordon’s heart. They worked together, Gordon and Harvey, until the atrophy abated and he became a champion squirrel chaser. Could that dog jump! It was a glorious transformation – truly. Harvey’s older now, slower and not the high jumper he once was, but he’s as sweet and gentle as ever. I’m still so thankful Becky and Gordon gave him a home. Harvey deserved it. So did they.


watching the birds
watching the birds

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