january 13, 2012

posted in: photography | 4

Few things make me happier than my little black cat, front legs curled upon the window sill, nose pressed to the cold glass, watching the snow.” ~ me

take 'em or leave 'em

That was my facebook status this morning. It got a large number of responses. Unexpectedly favorable responses, in fact. I’ve been sensing a shift in the way I look at my life, the people in it, the beauty of the every day but, especially, in the way I write about them. Clearly, it’s not just happening here in this tiny electronic space where I upload a picture and write a few lines about it. That’s all the outhouse was supposed to be, you know; a simple holding tank for my pictures with a few words for context. Instead, I’m learning, or rather relearning, to write from my heart, not from my head.

I stepped into a trap that I did not see. The more I wrote articles and grants and memos to this, that, and the other administrator, the less I wrote for me. I lost my voice. Sadder still, I hardly noticed. The stark black and white bathroom is apropos of the cubical coldness, same-ness, uselessness of too many work environments. Those places that choke our souls until we speak nothing but technique. No dialogue. No opinion. Nothing too editorial, God forbid, and never ever from our hearts. My dad always said that you’re never truly free as long as you work for someone else. He is the smartest man I know.

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4 Responses

  1. Kit Kelly

    Well said.Ya know………sometimes we can’t speak when we are out of harmony or alignment with our true self.What’s that Tom Waits song about loosing yourself to find your way back home?Probably what you needed to do.For that matter, I believe we all do that at some point in our lives.We must believe there was something that we needed to learn from the experience even if we do not recognize it right away, no?

    • kopana

      I think you’re absolutely right. I’ve wondered for a long time what the lesson is. Ive been at this particular job so long with the same people that I suspect there are multiple lessons. Of those i recognize, I’ve passed some lessons. Some I failed. And some I haven’t learned yet. Maybe that’s why I’m still stuck in the mud. If nothing else I’m feeling infinitely better about life in general because I’m writing and taking a picture every day. The plan IS working, it’s just a little slow…so far xoxo

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